Batido de papaya y zapote negro

1 papaya chica
1 o 2 zapotes negros
1 taza de agua
Miel de abeja o melaza, al gusto
Pelar la papaya y los zapotes. Licuar con un poco de agua -según le agrade lo espeso del batido- primero la papaya, y luego el zapote con la miel o melaza. Verificar textura. ¡¡Listo!!
Esta bebida además de deliciosa, tiene innumerables beneficios para el cuerpo y la salud.
1 small papaya
1 or 2 black sapote
1 cup water
Honey or molasses, as you wish
Peel the papaya and sapote. Blend with a little bit of water, according to what you pleases thick. Shake first papaya, then sapote with honey or molasses. Check texture.
1 small papaya
1 or 2 black sapote
1 cup water
Honey or molasses, as you wish
Peel the papaya and sapote. Blend with a little bit of water, according to what you pleases thick. Shake first papaya, then sapote with honey or molasses. Check texture.
This delicious beverage also has many benefits for the body and health.
This delicious beverage also has many benefits for the body and health.
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