El cartapacio del alecrán

Juan Cristóbal de Romain Rolland / Rosa López

Juan Cristóbal de Romain Rolland / Rosa López

La novela Juan Cristóbal retrata la vida de un virtuoso músico cuya infancia estuvo enmarcada en la miseria y la injusticia a causa del alcoholismo de su padre.

Sacrifica su adolescencia desviviéndose entre ensayos, conciertos y clases particulares, a fin de mantener a su familia.

Posteriormente, en su juventud un fracaso amoroso, la tragedia, la traición y la ingratitud, hacen mella en su carácter y reproduce los excesos de su padre.

Desesperado, haciendo un balance de su vida, escudriña el fondo de su alma  y reconoce que le causan horror las promesas incumplidas, el tiempo desperdiciado y el arte mancillado. Se había convertido en lo que no quería ser. Decide entonces retomar su vida y resolverla. Al parecer, el autor tomó como inspiración la vida de Beethoven.

Romain Rolland recibió el Premio Nobel gracias a esta encantadora obra en la que las palabras claras y precisas adquieren inigualable belleza.


Jean-Christophe is a novel about the life of a virtuoso musician whose childhood was framed in the misery and injustice because of alcoholism of his father.
Sacrifice his adolescence renouncement between trials, concerts and lessons, in order to support his family.
Subsequently, in his youth a love failure, tragedy, betrayal and ingratitude, make dent in its character and play the excesses of his father.
Desperate, making a balance in his life, scan the bottom of his heart and recognized to cause you horror unfulfilled promises, the time wasted and stained art. It had become what they didn’t want to be. Decides then to regain her life and solve it. Apparently, the author of this novel took as inspiration Beethoven’s life.
Romain Rolland received the Nobel Prize thanks to this lovely work in which clear and precise words acquire of matchless beauty.

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